What Jon “Bones” Jones and I had in common on Saturday


No, we didn’t both participate in a cage match. The answer: toe trouble. And no, I’m not going to post a pic of Jon’s toe. It’s kind of the Joe Theisman of toe injuries. Googlers beware.

This wasn’t a running injury or related to an athletic endeavor in any way. It was just one of those freak klutzy maneuvers. I had made a u-turn on the stairs to turn a light back on, and when I rotated to head back downstairs, my toe got hung up in the carpet. It’s not like it’s a thick shag or anything. If only that were the end of the story – I also had to tuck and roll down to the landing after losing my balance. All of this was much to the stifled amusement of my daughter and niece. The RHSW gave me a gracious “are you alright?” as I fumed down the rest of the stairs. No, I am definitely not all right, I said only to myself.

I recently finished Scott Jurek’s Eat & Run, and my toe trouble caused me to recall Scott’s broken toe – stubbed on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night just before the Spartathalon – a mere 152 mile race in Greece. I wondered if this was going to wash me out of Hospital Hill, or at least make it significantly more painful.

Well, the good news is that despite clearly doing “something” to cause bruising at the interphalangeal joint (I’m not a doctor, I don’t play one on tv, and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), it’s held up pretty good this week through multiple runs, including a barefoot 5 miler. I think I’m all right now.

One comment on “What Jon “Bones” Jones and I had in common on Saturday

  1. neltow says:

    Barefoot runnng should never be done on carpet. Too dangerous. Glad it wasn’t worse!

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