Why are you running? @HospitalHillRun

What’s your motivation? What is going to get you moving and keep you moving through the finish line at Hospital Hill? I recently finalized a decision about my purpose in running Hospital Hill. You may have made yours a long time ago! A movie I watched recently (The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner – from the 60s, but now a Broadway play) made me think how running needs a purpose, and you need to internalize that purpose, even if it didn’t originate in you. It doesn’t have to be specific, or even terribly significant. However, if you aren’t running with a purpose, you might not keep moving!

Here’s a brainstormed list of 10 reasons why you might be running – add yours!

  1. To share the experience with my friends or family (or family who are friends, etc.).
  2. I’m in it to win it.
  3. In memory of a loved one who loved running.
  4. I want to PR.
  5. For a charitable cause.
  6. I have a time goal I want to break.
  7. Just for fun – I love to run with others.
  8. To reward myself for the training miles I’ve put in with some nice swag.
  9. As a tune-up for another race.
  10. To jump-start a commitment to fitness.

I’m going to do the new “Re-Run,” and I have a different purpose for each race. I’m going to use the 5k as a time trial to see where I’m at right now with my fitness level. The next day, I’m not going to “race” the half; instead I am going to run it as a progression run – cranking up the pace as I go. I’m going to have fun too – see you out there!